Social Media Content

Chevrolet “Donut day”


To increase brand awareness and sales of Chevrolet Arabia through a creative and engaging social media activation video, specifically released for Donut Day.


The social media commercial for Chevrolet Arabia was based on the idea of using a toy car and filming it in stop motion to create a handcrafted and unique look. The commercial was specifically timed to be released for Donut Day and featured the toy car traveling through different settings and showcasing the features and capabilities of the Chevrolet car. In addition, The commercial was designed to be short and engaging and had a playful tone, with a focus on showcasing the car in a fun and creative way.

Target Audience:

The target audience for the commercial were car enthusiasts, specifically those interested in purchasing a Chevrolet car in Arabia and social media users who are celebrating Donut Day.


The commercial was shot using a toy car and filmed in stop motion to create a handcrafted and unique look. The commercial was edited to keep the pacing fast and engaging, with the toy car travelling through different settings and showcasing the features and capabilities of the Chevrolet car. The commercial was designed to be short and easy to share on social media. The commercial also had a playful tone, with the toy car visiting donut shops, and the tagline “Roll into Donut Day with Chevrolet

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